Immersion Registration
Immersion Registration
Ready to move from conversation into action? Hungry to immerse yourself in the culture you long for? Join a virtual community of practice to creatively explore how to translate juicy insights from our recent Around the Table conversation into daily practices and an embodied experience.
A series of four, 90-minute sessions, Immersions offer a space to lean into joyful accountability and play to transform our relationships to land, food, and belonging.
Please select your contribution level and complete payment to reserve your space.
Note: To join an Immersion you must have attended the corresponding Around the Table conversation or commit to viewing the event recording prior to the first Immersion session.
What exactly is an Immersion?
An experiential learning series and practice community, our Immersions offer you the opportunity to "immerse" yourself in a different relationship to food, land, and community and cultivate an experience of care and deep nourishment through creative practices.
The sessions might feel something like a mash-up of a kickass book club, a storytelling workshop, a community art project, and a powerful conversation with friends. We welcome your vulnerability and practice collective accountability to create a brave and supportive space for all community members, centering care and nourishment for our BIPOC participants.
”The Immersion felt like a pouring of life back into myself, like the sprinkle of love/magic I’d been deeply longing.” - Past Immersion Participant
“This experience marked a personal shift for me in how I work in the food space, but also in how I exist in any and all space. Those two not being exclusive.” - Past Immersion Participant
About Our Nourishing Future Ancestors Immersion
Our summer Immersion will explore what it means to nurture a liberatory relationship to food rooted in care for ourselves and our future descendants. Guided by a team of trained facilitators, together we will explore how the ways we grow, cook, and gather around food can offer us a path towards deep nourishment and radical transformation across generations, and how embracing our roles as future ancestors help us to cultivate a boldly reimagined food culture right now
Dates & Commitments
Live attendance for all Immersion sessions is strongly preferred and recommended. However, if you are unable to attend a session due to scheduling conflicts, you may participate by viewing the recording and completing exercises on your own.
Session I: Surfacing - Reflecting on Emergent Questions Thursday July 14, 4-5:30pm PT / 7-8:30pm ET
Session II: Immersing - Feeling Into Practice Thursday July 21, 4-5:30pm PT / 7-8:30pm ET
One week off for personal practice
Session III: Integrating - Practices to Support Healing & Transformation Thursday August 4, 4-5:30pm PT / 7-8:30pm ET
One week off for personal practice
Session IV: Landing & Collective Reflection Thursday August 18 4-5:30pm PT / 7-8:30pm ET
All sessions will be held on Zoom in English with automated live captioning.
We are able to meet any additional accessibility accommodations and language interpretation needs if requested by June 22nd – if a request is made after that date, we will do our best to accommodate.
Contribution Tiers
If your income does not allow you to contribute our minimum fee, please contact us at to receive a discount code. Our team is also looking for back-end support of the Immersion program. If you would like to explore a work-trade option, please email us to learn more.
$40 - Reparations Tier: I identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or a first-generation immigrant from the Global South (historically colonized places)
$40 - Limited Income Tier: I have a limited income / tight budget
$80 - Base Tier: Covers the cost of my own participation
$120 - Solidarity Tier: I am able to contribute more than minimal costs
If you have the means to contribute at a higher rate, we invite you to pay more by adding an "Additional Contribution” of any $10 increment to your cart. With our collective resources, we have what we need to support community members who could not participate otherwise.