Quiet and Transformational

What a memorable evening! In Peiru’s hands, food leaders reveal their deepest truths. Her sensitive approach to community-building is exactly what the food movement needs right now - this will bring us closer together, strengthen our personal networks and inspire us to dig deeper.
— Haven Bourque, Haven B Media

We are constantly asked by our attendees what they can do to support the good food movement and to support our storytellers. Moved by their eagerness to participate, we always ask our storyteller to offer some tangible actions people can take to strengthen their work and engage within the food movement. 

On Sept. 8th, we tried a new experiment: after we presented Brahm Ahmadi of People's Community Market and his personal story, we passed out these empty postcards during the Q&A session. We asked Brahm a deceivingly simple question, "How can we help?" After hearing the several answers he gave, including becoming a share-holder of the forthcoming market or to simply share the significance of his work with our own communities, we charged our audience members to write a note to themselves, describing how they felt most inspired to create change given the impassioned story of which they just listened.

The results were inspiring all on their own, ranging from deeply personal to budding food activism, see below for a few beautiful examples. We informed our guests that we would be sending off these postcards in three months, so that they may receive a gentle snail-mail reminder of how this evening made them feel.

We hope to see you at a gathering soon so that you may be inspired to incite some kind of change in your life.